If you are using the GitHub platform for your projects, then you probably have already heard of GitHub Actions Continuous Integration (CI) available there out of the box. This is relatively new and yet already a popular and quite convenient way to set up your workflows as well. In case you did not have the chance to play with it, but would love to give it a try with your Haskell projects, there is the blog post by Dmitrii that can help with that.
However, CI is not the only use case for GitHub Actions. In this post, I would like to share the workflow that allows creating releases at GitHub with the build binaries (ready executable files) for your Haskell tools.
Why binary?
When it comes to Haskell tools distribution, the most common option is usually to install whatever you want from Hackage or Stackage. That is when the package is available there. If it is not, the recommended way is to clone the project and build & install it locally.
This is not enough for several reasons. First of all, it assumes that the person who would use your tool should know at least a little bit of Haskell. And secondly, they should have some Haskell build tool installed on the machine they would like to use it on. Both of the assumptions could be false simultaneously.
For those reasons, there is the third distribution way – providing binaries. In that case, the user is capable of installing your tool wherever they want without any additional effort by downloading a file and putting it under the convenient location.
What we want
Now when we understand why the binaries release could be useful, let’s first discuss what the workflow should do for us.
As soon as the tag with the v*
-like name is created, the workflow should be triggered and start producing binaries. It should create a draft release at GitHub and upload built assets of the specified operating system and maybe GHC version. This is an overall goal. But let’s get into more detail on the low-level plan.
The workflow has two separate jobs:
- To create a draft release with the given name that is linked to the tag that triggered the event.
- To build the requested binaries, strip them (and maybe do more) and then upload to the created already draft release.
With that in mind see the overall picture of the process schematically illustrated at the following image:

Now as we have a plan, we can deep down to its internals.
Create a release
This job is quite straightforward. It requires three easy steps each of which is accomplished with the existing GitHub action:
- Check out the project. Here we use actions/checkout – the standard action that gives the workflow access to the repository it is working with. It also creates you the workspace where you would be able to do whatever you want during this workflow (but only permitted things).
- Create a release. Here we use actions/create-release – the standard action that creates the release at GitHub. This action has some configurations that you can tune to your needs. We are making a draft release with the
Release TAG_NAME
title. - Write the release URL into the file in the shared workspace. This is needed due to the fact that the jobs can not share the outputs, so we write it down to read later as we would need to know where to upload artifacts. Here we use actions/upload-artifact – the action that is used to share some data via uploads.
Create binaries
After the release is created by the previous job, we want to upload binaries to it. For that, first, we should create a build strategy. What we can specify is the matrix of environment settings used for each asset build: operating systems, GHC versions, Cabal versions, any other data you find important at this point. Due to the specifics of the projects I initially created the workflow for (it is Stan, we have 3 platforms and 2 GHC versions in our matrix and we also excluded the windows for one of the GHC versions which gives us 3 x 2 - 1 = 5 assets in total.
For each matrix item the following steps are taken:
- Checkout code. See the first step in the previous job. This gives us access to the same workspace.
- Set up a Haskell environment. Here we use actions/setup-haskell to have GHC and Cabal available for the next steps.
- Freeze and Restore cache. First we
cabal freeze
the dependencies and cache that instead, so we could have the cached dependencies not build if no versions were changed. We are using actions/cache for caching. - Build the executable. We specify the directory where to install the executable in order to easy access to that folder:
cabal install exe:stan --install-method=copy --overwrite-policy=always --installdir=dist
- [Windows specific] Add the
suffix to the binary. - Set the path to the executable into the
environment variable. We know exactly where it is, as we specified it earlier. - Compress the binary. The Haskell exe could be very heavy, it never hurts to light it a bit. Here we use svenstaro/upx-action to first
and thenupx
the binary. - Read the URL of the release using the created file with it during the previous job. We use actions/download-artifact – action to get files.
- Upload the asset With the help of actions/upload-release-asset – the action that actually uploads our binary to the release by the given URL. You can also set the names the way you want it to be.
Example of the total Action workflow
And to summarise all the detailed explanation here is an example script that can also be found in the Stan repository on GitHub.
📦 The example release itself is also available in the Stan releases.
name: Release
# Trigger the workflow on the new 'v*' tag created
- "v*"
name: Create Github Release
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Check out code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Create Release
id: create_release
uses: actions/create-release@v1.1.1
tag_name: ${{ github.ref }}
release_name: Release ${{ github.ref }}
draft: true
prerelease: false
- name: Output Release URL File
run: echo "${{ steps.create_release.outputs.upload_url }}" > release_url.txt
- name: Save Release URL File for publish
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
name: release_url
path: release_url.txt
needs: [create_release]
name: ${{ matrix.os }}/GHC ${{ matrix.ghc }}/${{ github.ref }}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
os: [ubuntu-latest, macOS-latest, windows-latest]
- "8.8.3"
- "8.10.1"
cabal: ["3.2"]
- os: windows-latest
ghc: 8.8.3
- name: Check out code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Set tag name
uses: olegtarasov/get-tag@v2
id: tag
tagRegex: "v(.*)"
tagRegexGroup: 1
- name: Setup Haskell
uses: actions/setup-haskell@v1.1.1
id: setup-haskell-cabal
ghc-version: ${{ matrix.ghc }}
cabal-version: ${{ matrix.cabal }}
- name: Freeze
run: |
cabal freeze
- name: Cache ~/.cabal/store
uses: actions/cache@v1
path: ${{ steps.setup-haskell-cabal.outputs.cabal-store }}
key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.ghc }}-${{ hashFiles('cabal.project.freeze') }}
- name: Build binary
run: |
mkdir dist
cabal install exe:stan --install-method=copy --overwrite-policy=always --installdir=dist
- if: matrix.os == 'windows-latest'
name: Set extension to .exe on Windows
run: echo "::set-env name=EXT::.exe"
- name: Set binary path name
run: echo "::set-env name=BINARY_PATH::./dist/stan${{ env.EXT }}"
- name: Compress binary
uses: svenstaro/upx-action@2.0.1
file: ${{ env.BINARY_PATH }}
- name: Load Release URL File from release job
uses: actions/download-artifact@v1
name: release_url
- name: Get Release File Name & Upload URL
id: get_release_info
run: |
echo "::set-output name=upload_url::$(cat release_url/release_url.txt)"
- name: Upload Release Asset
id: upload-release-asset
uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1.0.1
upload_url: ${{ steps.get_release_info.outputs.upload_url }}
asset_path: ${{ env.BINARY_PATH }}
asset_name: stan-${{ steps.tag.outputs.tag }}-${{ runner.os }}-ghc-${{ matrix.ghc }}${{ env.EXT }}
asset_content_type: application/octet-stream
What is next?
To conclude this write up, I would like to mention that while being straightforward and flexible, the workflow has some space for improvements. Here are at least a few things that we are planning to upgrade in there:
- Statically linked binaries
for compressing binaries even further - Create a workflow template for producing releases
- Add support of this feature to Summoner — Haskell scaffolding tool
I want to thank Dmitrii Kovanikov for his kindness and patience when sharing with me his knowledge about GitHub Actions. You are the best!